Sunday, July 28, 2013

Books I Like #13

Resenting the Hero (Hero, #1)Resenting the Hero by Moira J. Moore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a fun read! Lee is spunky if a little cranky, and Karish is...well, adorably misunderstood. Looking forward to reading the next one!


View all my reviews on Goodreads...

Everville: The First Pillar Ebook Giveaway Contest!

Another head's up! On my main site...

Like free books? Like free books that are amazing? Have I got one for you!

Enter a chance to win a free Kindle ebook of Amazon’s #1 international epic fantasy bestseller Everville: The First Pillar. Also, be sure to stay tuned for details on the upcoming second book in the series Everville: The City of Worms, expected to be released in late Summer.

--Kara xxooxx

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Nely Cab's Latest Cover Reveal on Dey For Love!

Just a head's up...

Reality and dreams blend into a dangerous mix in this book by Nely Cab. To find out more about "Creatura," check it out on Dey for Love!

See the full cover done by talented Phat Puppy Art.

Check it out HERE...

--Kara xxooxx

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Curiosity can be profitable...

Hi! I'm on Babette James' site today. Stop by and say hi. I'm giving away a ten dollar gift card to a random commenter who answers my question.

I think it's a question all kindle authors wonder about, too! 

--Kara xxooxx

Monday, July 15, 2013

Zombies on my Main Site!

You know you like 'em. They moan. They groan. They shuffle off to Buffalo.
Zombies. Check out Clive Riddle's book, "The Burning Z."

I have more info on my main site HERE...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Interviewing Anne Lange on Dey For Love

Anne Lange is on Dey For Love this holiday weekend. Do you enjoy steamy romance? Something short and sexy to read while the hot dogs are getting hotter? Then check out my interview and Anne Lange's new book release.


And remember whenever and wherever possible, support your local bookstore! :) 
--Kara xxooxx